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Participate for greatest benefits!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Test of how a link will go in on right side, without a title, so there is just the link and that's all you see.

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  1. We have over 75 indexers in our stake and last year indexed
    1/3 of a million names (ancestors of our generation.) We add
    indexing and arbitrating together since arbitrating is encouraged.

    In addition to our stake indexing, we also participate as a
    family organization -- Family REUNION and thru the year.

  2. LDS General Conference, October 2009
    Saturday Morning Session
    President Eyring is conducting, Welcome, and Choir

    President Monson, Opening Message
    How great it is to use technology of internet, broadcast, and translation. We enjoyed dedicating the Oquirrh Temple. New Temples: Brigham City Utah, etc. Japan. May we continue to be faithful in doing ordinance work for ancestors. They will rejoice with you. Befriend new converts to make them feel at home. Miracles occur as we open doors not yet open. Messages today are inspired that we will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we listen.

    Richard G. Scott, [Pray and Listen]
    I appreciate that current and personal events change dramatically and we are forced to rely on God and prayer. Be guided by the voice of the Spirit and exercise faith in God and Christ. Develop 1. Capacity to listen; 2. Capacity of power (like Nephi). Write your impressions, ponder, pray for what you should know. Additional communication comes from responding to first impressions. Can you savor the taste of a grape while eating a jalapeƱo pepper? Pornography is tragic, coming from selfishness. Nephi said the Devil cheateth your soul.

    Vicki F. Matsumori, Primary [Gift of the Holy Ghost]
    How do the missionaries knock on the door of someone praying for them to come? Or the teacher when someone they serve needs it? Or the young woman staying away from parties she should not attend? The spirit of the Lord comes like sunshine.

  3. L. Whitney Clayton, [Bearing Natural Burdens]
    Eternal Plan is for our growth and progress. We must do all we can to bear our burdens and yield to the enticings to the spirit and put off the natural man. 1. 2. 3. Nephi; 4. Joseph Smith. Alma escaped from King Noah but were conquered. They were delivered in stages. We are also.

    Russell T. Osguthorpe, [Teaching the Gospel]
    Guides to teaching: 1. Key doctrine; 2. Invitation; 3. Call to Action. Here are two great books: Teaching, No Greater Call (and) Preach My Gospel. In primary, I resolved to give no talks in church, but a good teacher was a messenger from God to help. Aim high [arrow up.] After you teach, close the manual and open their eyes to God. Express confidence in them. Learning and teaching in the Gospel are not optional. Teaching helps save lives.

  4. David A. Bednar, [Set Your Family in Order]
    Suggestion-1: Express love and show it; be sincere and frequent. Reflect also in what you do. Christ said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” Suggestion-2: Bear testimony and live it. It need not be eloquent and lengthy -- bear pure testimony. Create and look for opportunity. Feeling the power of testimony from a spouse or child is a source of enduring peace and power. Suggestion-3: Be consistent. Your family will remember impressions of intent. Like a painting, individual brush strokes yield the beautiful vision. They are brushstrokes on the canvas of souls. Be consistent in public and at home. When you bear testimony in church of love, live it at home.

    President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, [Love is Divine]
    Of all the things we want to be known for, what defines us more than being disciples of Jesus Christ? How do we become disciples of Jesus Christ? “If you live me, keep my commandments.” Those who receive Christ, walk with him. Love the Lord with all your heart, might, mind and strength. Then love your neighbor. Love is the fire that lights hope and charity. What we think and do determines who we are and will become. Love defines us as a Church. At the heart of love you will find the joy of all things good. John wrote, “We love him, because He first loved us.” God’s love is so great that he loves every one of us, even the proud and wicked. No matter our mistakes, our infinitely-loving Heavenly Father draws us to Him and we experience his love. Seek with all your heart and keep His commandments. As you listen in conference, attend the temple and church, listen for His voice. Listen in the laughter of a child. He will lead you on a course to experience the pure love of Christ. It leads us out of darkness into greater life. The veil will become thin. The Plan of Happiness is made active through the Atonement. Love is the measure of our faith and discipleship. [Testimony.] He is filled with infinite love for you. Let me conclude as I began: Let us be known as a people that loves God and those around us. Thus we will be known as true disciples of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

